X (Twitter) trending Brisbane hashtags and topics now

Top 5 Twitter Trending Brisbane Topics & Hashtags

Maximum Tweets (Last 48 Hours)

  1. Trump tweeted 2.7M times
  2. California tweeted 2.1M times
  3. SMTOWN tweeted 1.5M times
  4. Los Angeles tweeted 1.2M times
  5. President tweeted 1.2M times

Newest Trends (Last 1 Hour)

  1. SMTOWN tweeted 1.5M times
  2. Madrid tweeted 714K times
  3. Arsenal tweeted 555K times
  4. Barca tweeted 352K times
  5. Bills tweeted 170K times

Last 24 Hours Trends

0 seconds ago 14 hours ago | 41 hours ago | 72 hours ago | 115 hours ago | 120 hours ago | 122 hours ago |

Yesterday Trends

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